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everything music, mindset and motivation related, and more

Supplementing Your Child’s Music Lessons with Apps

In this digital age, the marriage of technology and music education extends beyond the classroom. As parents, you play a pivotal role in cultivating your child's love for music. Discover how to seamlessly integrate digital technology into your child's music journey with our following App recommendations.

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Benefits of Music, Music Education Raina Ashford Benefits of Music, Music Education Raina Ashford

How to Foster a Love of Music at Home: Tips for Parents

The love of music is an important component of learning an instrument. It’s important to foster your child’s love of music and motivate them with their musical journey by encouraging a love for music at home. In this blog post, we'll explore practical tips for parents to encourage a love of music into family life.

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Why You Should Consider Learning the Guitar as Your First Instrument

Guitar is an incredibly popular instrument to start with — a lot of beginners love learning the guitar because it is so versatile, portable, affordable and allows opportunities for new social engagements.

If you start learning guitar, we know you'll come to appreciate these qualities even more, and they will undoubtedly enrich your musical experiences along the way.

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How Singing Lessons Supercharge Confidence

Singing lessons aren't just about hitting the right notes; they're a transformative experience that nurtures your confidence from within. From the chemical reactions in your brain to the emotional connection you establish with your audience, every aspect of singing contributes to your self-assuredness.

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What are The Benefits of Engaging in our Creativity When We Feel Low?

While consuming content can be a temporary distraction from our more difficult emotions, creating something can be a more effective way to deal with low mood. Scientific evidence also supports the idea that creating something when feeling sad can have numerous benefits for our emotional well-being. Engaging in our creativity on the days we feel low can have a positive impact on our emotional well-being and should be encouraged as a form of self-care.

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The Amazing Impact Playing Music Has on Your Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

Music has been a part of human culture for centuries, and it has always been associated with emotional and psychological benefits. Recent studies have shown that playing music can have a significant impact on mental health. In this essay, we will explore the link between playing music and mental health.

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7 Amazing Benefits of Learning to Play Music

Learning to play music can have numerous benefits for individuals of all ages and backgrounds, enhancing their personal and professional lives. Playing music - whether it’s the piano, guitar or singing - can provide a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence, as well as foster a lifelong love of music that can bring joy and fulfillment throughout one's life.

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Music, Music Teacher, Music Education Chloe Adam Music, Music Teacher, Music Education Chloe Adam

How Do I Find the Right Music Teacher? Here are 6 Tips to Know You’ve Found a Great Teacher

Overall, finding the right music teacher can take a bit of time, research and effort, but it's totally worth it. It’s important to go the extra mile to find the right music teacher who can help you achieve your musical goals and guide you in your learning journey. Finding the right music teacher can make a big difference in your learning experience and overall progress as a musician.

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5 Incredible Ways Playing Music can Improve Your Brain Health

Learning to play music has been shown to have numerous cognitive benefits. Just like how we go to the gym, run around the block or stretch to keep our bodies healthy, learning to play a musical instrument has incredible benefits when it comes to keeping our brain healthy.

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What are the Main Differences Between Acoustic Pianos and Digital Pianos?

What is the main difference between acoustic and digital pianos? The main difference between acoustic and digital pianos is the way they produce sound. The sound of acoustic pianos are produced by hammers which strike the strings that resonate throughout the wooden body of the piano. On the other hand, digital pianos produce sound electronically. When you press down a key, you will hear digital samples of acoustic piano sounds. The higher quality the digital piano, the more authentic the sound and action of the keys will be.

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How I know which piano to buy?

How I know which piano to buy? Where do I start? We get asked this question all the time.

Overall, choosing the right piano for you, or your child requires careful consideration of age, skill level, preferences, as well as your budget and available space. By taking the time to find the right instrument, you can develop a love of music that will last a lifetime.

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How can playing music can improve my memory and concentration?

How does playing music can improve your memory and concentration? Playing music requires a great deal of mental focus and concentration, which can improve memory and concentration skills. As you practice and improve you performance, it’s likely that you’ll also see improvements in other areas of your life that require these skills, such as studying, working, or engaging in hobbies.

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How Self-Directed Learning Can Bring More Fulfilment When Playing a Musical Instrument

How can we keep learning music fun? Just as music is an art form, learning can be seen as an intricate, multifaceted art form too. Growing in our own understanding of how we learn best and applying these concepts to our journey with playing the piano, guitar, or singing can be an effective way to keep lessons engaging, meaningful and fulfilling.

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What are the Benefits of Learning a Musical Instrument in a Private Lesson Setting?

Private music lessons, whether it be piano, guitar or singing — come with a whole heap of advantages. This goes for everyone - despite age, background or prior experience.

If you’re considering getting your child to start learning music, you might wonder if there is a point of paying for private lessons no top of the school curriculum? Are there really any added benefits from taking private lessons in addition to music class?

And if you’re beyond your schooling years — you may be considering picking up a creative or active hobby. So, why music? What’s the benefit? Are there any benefits?

Our answer is simple, and plain. Yes. There are incredible benefits to receiving weekly private music lessons outside of a conventional school, or online platform setting.

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The Difference Between Learning an Instrument as an Adult vs. as a Child

Children seem to absorb things like a sponge.

Whether it be learning a language, a new skill, joining a new sport, or picking up a musical instrument for the first time. Children learn. They often learn fast. It’s what they do.

You teach them something new? They absorb it. They believe it. Mostly because they lack the context, prior knowledge and experience to argue against it. Children are often dependent learners.

But why does learning seem so much harder when we are adults?

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