Things you Should Consider When Learning Music for the First Time as an Adult

Things you Should Consider When Learning Music for the First Time as an Adult

Learning music as an adult can be a fulfilling experience, but it can also be challenging. Here are some things to consider when embarking on this journey:


1) Be patient with yourself

Being patient with yourself when learning music as an adult is crucial because mastering a musical instrument or skill takes time and dedication. Unlike children, adults may have more responsibilities and limited time for practice, making progress slower.

Acknowledging this and avoiding self-criticism allows you to focus on the joy of learning and avoid feeling discouraged. Patience enables you to embrace the learning process, celebrate small achievements, and build confidence as you gradually improve.

Embracing mistakes as part of the learning journey allows for growth and helps you stay motivated, ultimately leading to a more rewarding musical experience as an adult learner.

Learning music takes time and effort. Don't expect to become a virtuoso overnight. Take small steps and celebrate your progress.

Piano, Guitar and Singing Lessons for Children and Adults in Maroubra and the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney

2) Find a good teacher

Finding the right teacher when learning music as an adult is essential because a skilled and understanding instructor can significantly impact your progress and enjoyment. Unlike children, adults have specific goals, learning styles, and musical preferences, which a suitable teacher can cater to effectively.

A good teacher will tailor lessons to your individual needs, challenge you appropriately, and provide constructive feedback to facilitate growth. Moreover, they can offer valuable insights, motivation, and encouragement, helping you navigate challenges and stay committed to your musical journey.

With the right teacher by your side, you can maximize your potential, build a strong foundation, and develop a deeper appreciation for music as an adult learner.

A good teacher can make all the difference. Look for someone who is knowledgeable, patient, and passionate about music.

Piano, Guitar and Singing Lessons for Children and Adults in Maroubra and the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney

3) Set realistic goals

Setting realistic goals when learning music as an adult is crucial because it allows for steady progress and maintains motivation throughout the learning process.

As adults, we often have limited time and competing responsibilities, making it essential to set achievable milestones that fit our schedules. Unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and a sense of failure, potentially discouraging us from continuing our musical journey.

Realistic goals, on the other hand, provide a sense of accomplishment as we achieve them, fostering a positive learning experience and encouraging us to strive for further growth in our musical abilities. By setting attainable objectives, we can enjoy the process of learning music as adults and cultivate a lifelong passion for this enriching art form.

Determine what you want to achieve and set realistic goals for yourself. This will help you stay motivated and focused.

Piano, Guitar and Singing Lessons for Children and Adults in Maroubra and the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney

4) Practice regularly

Practicing when learning music as an adult is essential because consistent practice is the key to improvement and mastery. As adults, we may have busy lives, but regular practice helps reinforce new skills and knowledge, leading to greater retention and progress over time.

Repetition and focused practice refine muscle memory, enhance technique, and build confidence, allowing us to tackle more challenging musical pieces and concepts.

Moreover, practicing fosters a deeper connection to the music, enabling us to express emotions and creativity through our instrument or voice. Embracing a disciplined practice routine empowers us to fully enjoy the rewarding journey of music as adults and reach our musical aspirations.

Consistency is key when it comes to learning music. Try to practice every day, even if it's just for a few minutes.

Piano, Guitar and Singing Lessons for Children and Adults in Maroubra and the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney

5) Listen to music

Listening to music when learning music as an adult is essential because it cultivates an ear for melody, rhythm, and musical expression. Actively engaging with various genres and styles exposes us to different musical techniques and structures, broadening our understanding and appreciation of music.

By listening attentively, we can pick up nuances, phrasing, and dynamics that enrich our own playing or singing. Additionally, listening serves as a source of inspiration and motivation, sparking creativity and fueling our passion for learning.

Through active listening, we can absorb musical concepts and styles, ultimately enhancing our musical abilities and deepening our connection to the art of music as adult learners.

Listening to music can help you develop a better understanding of different styles and genres. It can also inspire you to keep learning and improving.

Piano, Guitar and Singing Lessons for Children and Adults in Maroubra and the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney

6) Join a community

Joining a community when learning music as an adult is vital because it provides a supportive and enriching environment for growth and collaboration. Being part of a musical community offers opportunities to share experiences, learn from others, and receive constructive feedback, fostering continuous improvement.

Collaborating with fellow musicians allows for ensemble playing, group performances, and even songwriting, enhancing our musical skills and promoting teamwork. Moreover, the camaraderie and encouragement from like-minded individuals can boost motivation and keep us engaged in our musical journey.

Whether in a local music group, choir, or online community, the connections and shared passion for music create a sense of belonging, making the learning experience as an adult even more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Joining a music community can provide you with support, encouragement, and opportunities to perform.

Piano, Guitar and Singing Lessons for Children and Adults in Maroubra and the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney

Remember, learning music is a journey, not a destination. It takes courage to start something new, especially as an adult. Though music is a creative art form, improving in musical ability is not a process you can rush. Remember to be patient with yourself, enjoy the process and have fun!


Have you been thinking about learning music?

We hold singing, piano and guitar lessons for adults and kids at our music studio in Maroubra. We’d love to hear more about you and connect you with the best teacher who can help you thrive in your confidence and learn to love music.

Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.

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