
  • Event Sponsorship

    One thing we love to do at Music on Purpose is to hold Open Mic Nights and Performance Recitals at least twice a year (sometimes every quarter) to bring our community together and celebrate the incredible work our students put in to refine their musical craft.

    Holding an event entails many moving parts, and being a young business, we would greatly appreciate your contribution to help cover some of the operational costs including photography, food and drinks and venue hire fees.

    In exchange for your help, we’d love to share your brand and business story with our growing community and have your:

    • Logo displayed on every event promotional email campaign

    • Banner, flyers and business cards displayed at event

    • Brand promoted on our social media channels for every event

    • Products/services in a giveaway collaboration (option)

    If you feel moved to support our events, we’d love to have a chat with you. Please click the link below to let us know more about your business and how you would like to support us!

  • Annual Sponsorship

    We love building strong relationships with neighbouring businesses, and would love to be creative in partnering and celebrating other local businesses in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney.

    Being such a young business, we still have a lot of outgoing costs to establish our studio here in the heart of Maroubra, and would appreciate your sponsorship to help us build a strong, active foundation in our community.

    If you feel moved to become an ongoing sponsor, we’d love to partner with you and have your:

    • Logo displayed on our website homepage under “sponsors”

    • Brand promoted in monthly social media posts and stories

    • Logo displayed on every email campaign for the year

    • Branded flyers, business cards and other promotional materials displayed at studio front desk

    Thank you in advance for considering supporting our small business! If you’d like to consider sponsoring us this year, we’d love to get to know you more!

thank you for considering supporting us!