about learning music with us

what to expect

+ What can I expect by choosing to learn music with you?

Our heart behind everything we do is to help our students grow in their confidence and love for music. Our teachers are personable and hope to help students feel at home. We belive that music is meant to be enjoyed - not "endured".

Our team love helping our students set goals and work towards achieveing them. Whether it be learning a specific piece, sitting an exam, or preparing for an audition.

+ Where are you located and how does parking work?

Our music studio is in the heart of Maroubra, a close walk to Pacific Square and the Green Street Grocer. We're a fairly small studio, but we hope to make our space feel cozy and like home for you.

There is plenty of street parking on Green Street - it's hit or miss of how busy the carpark will be - so we do recommend coming to class a little earlier.

new enrolments

+ How do things work for new students? Do you do free trials for new students?

We unfortunately don't offer free trials for new students. Our policy for new students is that there is no obligation to lock in and pay for the term. If the student enjoys their first class, we will send you an invoice for the rest of the Term (including our first lesson).

If for any reason, you decide not to continue with us, we completely respect that and will only send you an invoice for the first class that you attend.

+ What should I bring to my first lesson?

Please bring yourself and a folder. If you've had experience with music lessons before, please bring along any other materials that you'd learnt with your previous teacher. This will give your new teacher a good idea of where you're at musically and get to know what style of music you enjoy learning.


+ Do you accept Creative Kids Vouchers?

Yes we do!

We are able to redeem Creative Kids Vouchers as part of payments towards lessons.

Simply apply for a voucher on the Service NSW website, then download the voucher and send us the voucher number alongside your child's D.O.B.

Though we do accept Creative Kids Vouchers, we do not accept Active Kids vouchers as they are part of a separate initiative and we can only accept the vouchers for the student who is taking lessons.

+ Do lessons costs the same individually & in bulk?

Lessons are calculated at a flat price, so whether you choose to do one lesson with us or stick to a term, the price per lesson is the same.

+ Is it possible to pay my fees in installments?


Shoot us an email and we can organise separate invoices or an alternative payment schedule that best suits you.

Please let us know via email: hello@music-onpurpose.com

+ Do you do refunds?

No, we unfortunately do not do refunds.

+ Do you give discounts?

We'd love to say thank you by taking $10 off the invoive for each consecutive sibling from the same family.

exams & performances

exams & performances

+ Do you help students sit music exams?

Yes! We don't require or push all our students to sit music exams, but we do know that exams can be a huge motivator for others. Our teachers are able to help students sit an AMEB music exam, or even work towards HSC and other graded performances.

For students who don't want to sit a formal exam, we offer in-class optional video performances in Week 5 of each term to keep them motivated and work towards a solid goal.

+ Do you hold performances?

We love celebrating our students and bringing our families together with a performance opportunity every quarter.

We encourage all our students to give performing a go! We're passionate about providing a safe space for students to share their gift with their loved ones.

absence & attendance

+ What happens if I know I'm going to be away during the term and won't be able to make a music lesson?

If you know you're going to be away in advance, please let our admin team know in advance so we can adjust the schedule + invoice accordingly. Please email: hello@music-onpurpose.com

+ What happens if I'm absent miss a class without notice?

If you're absent due to sickness / are unable to make it last minute - students in a group class will have the option to join another group class of the same level during the week. Students learning private lessons will be notified if their teacher has a free spot to hold a makeup lesson.

Please note: makeup lessons will depend on teacher availability. We will do our best to organise an alternative time for you, but can't gurantee this.

instruments & books

+ I don't have a piano at home. What kind of keyboard do you recommend?

While we always recommend a full sized weighted 88 key piano/keyboard, it is always more important that you have something to practice on.

For younger beginners, smaller keyboards can do the job great. As long as they have something they can practice on during the week, it should be a great short-term investment. Upgrades are something that can always happen later down the road.

+ What books and curriculums do we need to sit a lesson?

Our teachers use a range of different curriculum - and it depends on the students' skill level, class and preference.

For students sitting music exams, we follow the AMEB curriculum. For students who are in group piano classes, we follow the Bastien Piano Book series alongside songs of students' choice.

+ Can we choose what songs we want to learn?

Yes. We love giving students the opportunity to choose the pieces that they want to learn. There may be instances where students may need a little more technique and foundational work - so working on a song may come hand in hand with our curriculum.