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There are numerous benefits that come with learning to play a musical instrument.

Music isn’t meant to be endured, it’s meant to be enjoyed. And that’s what we’re all about at Music on Purpose. Not only is music fun, therapeutic and cool (yes, cool). There are a number of incredible physical benefits that come with learning to play a musical instrument.

Here are 7 reasons why you should start learning a musical instrument this year.


1) Learning to play music will improve your cognitive development

Whether it’s singing, guitar, or piano — learning to play an instrument can improve your cognitive skills and brain function such as improving your memory, attention, and problem-solving.

Learning to play music will also enhance your brain plasticity (your neural networks’ ability to change, grow and reorganise itself to create new connections) and strengthen your neural connections, which makes learning and retaining new information a lot more enjoyable.

Learning to play music has been shown to have numerous cognitive benefits in our memory, attention, executive function, motor skills and spatial reasoning.

Playing an instrument can also provide numerous cognitive benefits that can transfer to other areas of life, such as academics and problem-solving in everyday situations. Moreover, these cognitive benefits can continue to develop and improve over a lifetime of musical practice.

The impact that playing music has in our cognitive function is undeniably important. Especially as we age. It’s never too late to start playing music. The benefits outweigh the costs at any age.

Read more about how music can improve our brain health here.

Singing Lessons. Guitar Lessons. Piano Lessons. For Adults in Maroubra. Near Me.

2) Playing music can help you regulate your emotions when the going gets tough

Life can be awesome. It can also become awfully difficult. Music is a creative outlet that doesn’t require us to verbalise our feelings, or make sense of how your day has gone. Playing music can help us regulate our emotions by giving us a platform to express our emotions and create a state of mindfulness and focus.

Playing music also triggers the release of certain neurotransmitters like dopamine and oxytocin which are important in stablising our mood and promote a sense of belonging. Learning and mastering a musical instrument can also provide a sense of accomplishment and self-efficacy, which can improve self-esteem and confidence.

Music can be a powerful tool for emotional regulation, providing a variety of mechanisms for managing emotions and promoting well-being. It can take a load of pressure of your shoulders and relieve you from your daily stress. Playing and listening to music can also improve your mood, boost your endorphins and help you relax.

It’s a different kind of therapy that is accessible to anyone, right at your fingertips.

Read more about how music can benefit our mental health here.


3) Learning music can give you the opportunity to build your social skills

Being able to collaborate with other classmates (in a music school setting) or other band members can be one of the most rewarding things. Working together to play a piece of music harmoniously whilst refining and improving your technical work gives you a clear goal to work towards, and being with a great group of people can make it all the more rewarding too.

Learning to play music can provide numerous opportunities to build social skills, from collaboration and communication to empathy and performance. These skills can be valuable in a wide range of settings, from school and work to personal relationships and social interactions.


4) Playing an instrument can help you refine your fine motor skills

Learning to play an instrument requires a great deal of physical coordination and control, which can help refine fine motor skills. As we practice and improve our playing, we’ll probably see improvements in our hand coordination, posture, finger strength trickle into other areas of our lives too.


5) Playing music growing up has shown to boost students’ academic performance

Learning to play music has been linked to improved academic performance, particularly in math and language arts as playing music improves our spatial reasoning, enhances our working memory and increases our language processing.

Playing music requires sustained attention and focus and ignore distractions which can transfer how students can stay engaged and focused during class. Playing music can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, which can increase motivation and engagement in other areas of life, including academic subjects. Students who are motivated and engaged are more likely to perform well in school and pursue higher education.

Overall, learning to play music can provide a variety of cognitive and academic benefits that can transfer to other areas of life. However, it's worth noting that the extent and specificity of these benefits may vary depending on factors such as the instrument, the level of instruction, and the individual's personal characteristics.

Singing Lessons. Guitar Lessons. Piano Lessons. For Adults in Maroubra. Near Me.

6) Career Opportunities

Playing music can lead to a variety of career opportunities in various fields. Musicians can grow to perform either as a solo artist, session musician, or orchestra member. These opportunities can range from small local gigs to large international tours.

Musicians can also pursue careers as a music teacher either in schools or as a private instructor teaching specific instrument/s, leading ensembles and choirs, or teaching music theory and history. Playing music can lead to careers as a music therapist, using music to help individuals with mental, emotional, and physical health issues.

Playing music can also open the doors to careers including composing, writing music for film, television, video games, and other media, music production (i.e. recording, mixing, and mastering music for various media) and even artist management, music publishing, concert promotion, and music distribution.

Overall, playing music can open up a wide range of career opportunities in various fields, depending on your interests, skills, and passions which can provide a fulfilling and rewarding way to make a living while pursuing one's love of music.


7) Personal Growth

Learning to play an instrument can provide a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence as it can teach you how to work towards mastery. Learning to play an instrument requires time and effort, and as one improves and masters new skills, it can provide a sense of accomplishment and pride in one's abilities.

Playing music in front of others can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it can also provide an opportunity to showcase one's skills and receive positive feedback, which can boost self-confidence. Having performances opportunities can be an incredible way to step out of your comfort zone, work towards a goal and grown in your self-efficacy.

Playing an instrument provides an outlet for creativity, which can give you the space and medium to express yourself through music which can be therapeutic, and also a source of personal satisfaction and pride.

Learning to play an instrument also requires discipline and perseverance, which can lead to personal growth and a greater sense of self-confidence. As you learns to play a your musical instrument/s of choice, it can help deepen your love, appreciation for understanding of music, which can lead to a lifelong passion for listening to and learning about different genres and styles of music.


Overall, learning to play an instrument can provide a sense of accomplishment, self-confidence, connection, community, and foster a love of music that extends beyond individual performance which can bring you joy and fulfillment throughout your life.

Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.

The Amazing Impact Playing Music Has on Your Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing


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