How to Foster a Love of Music at Home: Tips for Parents

The love of music is an important component of learning an instrument. It’s important to foster your child’s love of music and motivate them with their musical journey by encouraging a love for music at home. In this blog post, we'll explore practical tips for parents to encourage a love of music into family life.

How to Foster a Love of Music at Home: Tips for Parents - guitar piano singing

Start Early and Start Small

You can introduce your child to the world of music from an early age. From infanthood you can simply play soft lullabies or sing gentle nursery rhymes during bedtime. This early exposure lays the foundation for a positive association with music, creating an environment where your child naturally gravitates towards melodies.

Offer a variety of musical instruments from a young age. From a simple rattle to a toy keyboard, you can let your child experiment with different sounds. As they get older it could include a visit to a local music store where your child can try out different instruments. Let them express themselves through music, even if it means making "noise" rather than recognizable tunes.

How to Foster a Love of Music at Home: Tips for Parents - guitar piano singing

Set a Musical Atmosphere in the Home

Setting an atmosphere that fosters a love of music can be as simple as playing it often (in the car, or at home). Consider introducing your child to your favourite artists and a variety of genres and styles, such as jazz, classical and world music.

Children love to see their parents enjoying music, and your participation makes the experience even more enjoyable. Try a spontaneous dance party in the living room or a singing their favourite song together (even if you’ve heard it a million times!).

You can also incorporate music into daily activities, such as cleaning the house or driving them to school.


Attend Live Performances with you Child

A Wiggle concert is not your only option, you can expose your child to the magic of live music by attending classical concerts, ballets, musical theatre shows, Christmas choirs etc. Live performances provide a sensory-rich experience and can be particularly inspiring for children. Some of my most fond musical memories were when my parent’s took to me to see the ballet , Sleeping Beauty and the musical, Cats. It was foundational to my appreciation of the Creative Arts and the dedication and hard work it takes to perform so well.

How to Foster a Love of Music at Home: Tips for Parents - piano guitar singing

Cultivating a love for music at home is not about creating the next prodigy; it's about fostering a lifelong appreciation for the beauty of sound, creativity, and shared experiences. By incorporating music into your family life, you're not only enriching your child's world but also creating a home where the love for music becomes a cherished part of your family's story.


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