What are the Main Differences Between Acoustic Pianos and Digital Pianos?

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The main difference between acoustic and digital pianos is the way they produce sound.

The sound of acoustic pianos are produced by hammers which strike the strings that resonate throughout the wooden body of the piano. On the other hand, digital pianos produce sound electronically. When you press down a key, you will hear digital samples of acoustic piano sounds. The higher quality the digital piano, the more authentic the sound and action of the keys will be.

Here are some other differences between digital and acoustic pianos:


1) Quality of sound

Acoustic pianos and digital pianos have different sound quality. While digital pianos have come a long way in terms of sound quality, they still cannot quite replicate the authentic sound and tonal nuances of an acoustic piano.


2) Maintenance

Acoustic pianos and digital pianos require different forms of care. Acoustic pianos require regular tuning and maintenance (this depends on how much you play the piano, the level of humiditiy and temperature changes in the room that the piano is in, and how well you care for it in general).

Digital pianos don’t need tuning. However, some digital piano models may require software updates or repairs to their electronic components.


3) Cost

Acoustic pianos and digital pianos have different price-points and ranges. Acoustic pianos are generally more expensive than digital pianos, especially high-end models like full size upright acoustic pianos and beautiful grand pianos.

Digital pianos can range from very small toy-like pianos for young children to models that replicate an acoustic piano in many ways. Depending on the make, size and model of the digital piano, the cost can vary depending on their features and capabilities.


4) Portability

Acoustic pianos are heavy and difficult to move. If moving homes, or even moving the location of where you want to place your piano at home — it will most likely require professional removalists who are specifically trained to move and manouver pianos.

Some digital pianos are also incredibly heavy (designed to be placed in one point of the home rather than transported from venue to venue for gigs and performances). Other digital pianos may be designed to be portable, or just lighter and easily disassembled.


5) Touch and feel

Acoustic pianos and digital pianos feel different to play. Acoustic pianos have a unique touch and feel that many pianists prefer, as the keys respond to the player's touch and the pedals can create subtle variations in sound.

Digital pianos have improved in this area with the development of weighted keys and realistic pedal action, but some players still prefer the feel of an acoustic piano.


Overall, there are a few key differences between a digital and acoustic piano. Choosing which one to invest in will depend on your needs and preferences.

If you value authentic sound and touch, and have the space and budget for an acoustic piano, it may be the right choice for you. If you need portability, lower maintenance, and a more affordable option, a digital piano may be a better fit.


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Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.


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