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everything music, mindset and motivation related, and more

Benefits of Music, Music Education Raina Ashford Benefits of Music, Music Education Raina Ashford

How to Foster a Love of Music at Home: Tips for Parents

The love of music is an important component of learning an instrument. It’s important to foster your child’s love of music and motivate them with their musical journey by encouraging a love for music at home. In this blog post, we'll explore practical tips for parents to encourage a love of music into family life.

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How Music Lessons Can Help Moderate Screen Time

In the age of screens and digital devices, finding a balance between screen time and enriching activities is a challenge every parent faces. Here are some ways incorporating music lessons into your child’s life can help to manage their screen time in a constructive and enjoyable way.

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The Awesome Perks of Group Singing Classes for Kids

In childhood development, there lies huge opportunities to nurture creativity, confidence, and social skills - especially from a young age. One avenue that can have a positive life-long impact is beginner group singing lessons for kids.

Beginner group singing lessons not only provide an introduction to the world of music but also offer a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond music - including confidence, emotional connection, friendships and brain health benefits.

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Chloe Adam Chloe Adam

How Effective are Group Music Lessons? Do Group Piano Lessons Actually Work?

The attention that students receive in private lessons doesn’t have to be compromised in a group music class. Something that’s important to look out for is how large the music class is.At Music on Purpose, we keep our group classes intentionally small. The maximum number of students we’ll enrol in one class is 4 students. This is because we want our students to experience the benefits of learning in a group setting as well as receiving the tailored attention that they would in a private music lesson setting too.

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