Did you know that Playing Music Help Develop Your Social Skills?

Adult Singing Lessons. Adult Guitar Lessons

I know, it sounds a little odd — how does playing music have any link to building social skills?

A big part of learning to play music is the relationship that you will build with your teacher. In a private lesson setting, it can teach you how to be honest and also receive honest, constructive feedback from your teacher. When learning in a group music class setting — you’ll not only learn to communicate with your teacher, but also with your classmates. The same principle applies when playing music in a band too.

1) Collaboration

Playing music often involves collaboration with others, whether it's playing in a band or orchestra, singing in a choir, or accompanying other musicians. This requires communication, cooperation, and teamwork.


2) Communication

Playing music with others will often, if not always — require clear communication. Both verbally and nonverbally. This can improve communication skills and help individuals better express themselves and understand others.


3) Empathy

Playing music with others can foster a sense of empathy, as musicians work together to create a cohesive sound and emotional expression. This can improve social skills and help individuals better understand and relate to others.


4) Performance

Playing music in front of others provides an opportunity to connect with an audience and build confidence in social situations. This can lead to improved social skills and a greater sense of comfort in public speaking and performance.


5) Community

Playing music with others can foster a sense of community and belonging, providing opportunities to meet new people, make friends, and build social networks.


Working together to play a piece of music harmoniously whilst refining and improving your technical work gives you a clear goal to work towards. Being with a great group of people can make it all the more rewarding too.

Playing music can provide numerous opportunities to build social skills, from collaboration and communication to empathy and performance. These skills can be valuable in a wide range of settings, from school and work to personal relationships and social interactions.


Have you been thinking about learning music?

We hold singing, piano and guitar lessons for adults and kids at our music studio in Maroubra. We’d love to hear more about you and connect you with the best teacher who can help you thrive in your confidence and learn to love music.

Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.


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