How Music Lessons Can Help Moderate Screen Time

In the age of screens and digital devices, finding a balance between screen time and enriching activities is a challenge every parent faces. Here are some ways incorporating music lessons into your child’s life can help to manage their screen time in a constructive and enjoyable way.

How Music Lessons Can Help Moderate Screen Time - singing guitar piano

Introduces Structured Routine and “Digital Detox” Moments:

Introducing regular music lessons into a child's routine provides a structured and scheduled activity. This naturally allocates specific times for non-screen engagement, reducing the likelihood of uncontrolled or excessive screen use.

Designating specific times for music practice creates natural "digital detox" moments. During these periods, children are encouraged to put away screens and focus on developing their musical skills, fostering a healthier relationship with technology.

TIP: Set aside short intervals of non-screen time per day for your child to practice their musical instrument. You can start as small as 5 minutes a day and work your way up to get them used to the routine.

How Music Lessons Can Help Moderate Screen Time - singing guitar piano

Active Engagement and Family Involvement:

Music lessons involve active engagement, requiring the use of hands, eyes, and ears. This type of involvement contrasts with passive screen time, encouraging a more dynamic and participatory form of entertainment.

We try to make our music lessons as enjoyable as possible and hope that kids feel inspired and rewarded by each lesson.

You can make practice and even more engaging experience by making it a shared experience. Family members can support and participate in music practice, creating opportunities for quality time away from screens.

TIP: Try incorporating fun musical games that incorporates actions (such as rhythm games) as a part of your home practice routine.

How Music Lessons Can Help Moderate Screen Time - guitar piano singing

Music is a Creative Outlet:

Music provides a creative outlet for self-expression. Instead of seeking passive entertainment through screens, children can channel their energy into creating and playing music, fostering a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

It’s been incredibly rewarding and special to have parents call in and tell us that they’ve seen massive changes in their kids since they started learning with us. It brings us the greatest joy to see our students grow in their confidence, creativity and ability to take risks in our classroom, and see this translate to other areas of their life.

TIP: Encourage your child to learn songs they are truly passionate about learning. Playing something they love can ignite their passion for learning music.

How Music Lessons Can Help Moderate Screen Time - guitar piano singing

By integrating music lessons into a child's routine, parents can effectively create a balanced and healthier approach to screen time. Music not only offers a valuable skill but also becomes a positive and enriching alternative to excessive digital device usage.

Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.

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