10 Fascinating Facts About Music that Will Probably Surprise You

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At Music on Purpose, we believe that music is a universal language that transcends boundaries and connects people from all walks of life. In this blog post, we'll take you on a melodic journey through some intriguing facts about music that will deepen your appreciation for this enchanting art form. Let's dive in and explore some surprising facts about music together.


1) Did you know that music existed before language did?

Did you know that music predates language? Archaeological findings suggest that music has been an integral part of human culture for at least 50,000 years, while language emerged only around 10,000 to 30,000 years ago. This reveals the primal importance of music in human communication and expression.

Guitar, Piano and Singing Lessons for Kids and Adults in Maroubra. Music School Near Me

2) Did you know that Mozart started composing music at 5 years of age?

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the prodigious composer, showcased his extraordinary musical abilities at an astonishingly young age. He began composing music at the tender age of five, and by the time he was 14, he had already penned several symphonies and operas.


3) Did you know that music has incredibly positive impacts on our brain?

Listening to music can have a profound impact on the brain. Studies have shown that it activates multiple areas in the brain, including those responsible for emotions, memory, and motor skills. Additionally, playing a musical instrument can enhance cognitive abilities and improve concentration.

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4) Did you know that there’s a theory that claims when we listen to Mozart’s music, it can boost our spatial-temporal reasoning skills?

The "Mozart Effect" is a popular theory that claims that listening to Mozart's music can temporarily boost our spatial-temporal reasoning: a cognitive ability that involves understanding and manipulating visual and spatial information over time.

While the scientific evidence supporting this specific effect is debatable, there's no denying the positive influence music can have on the mind.


5) Did you know that the World's Oldest Known Instrument is 40,000 years old?

The world's oldest musical instrument discovered to date is a flute made from bird bones and mammoth ivory. This ancient instrument, dating back approximately 40,000 years, highlights the enduring fascination humans have had with creating and playing music.

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6) Did you know that music has historically been recognised for its enigmatic healing power?

Throughout history, music has been recognized for its healing properties. It can reduce stress, alleviate pain, and even help patients recover from illnesses faster. Today, music therapy is a widely recognized form of treatment used in healthcare settings to promote emotional well-being and aid in rehabilitation.

Guitar, Piano and Singing Lessons for Kids and Adults in Maroubra. Music School Near Me

7) Did you know that UNESCO claimed that music is an intangible heritage of humanity?

UNESCO has proclaimed music as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. This designation highlights the significance of music in shaping cultural identities and fostering mutual understanding and respect among diverse communities worldwide.


8) Did you know that Beethoven continued composing masterpieces after he turned deaf?

Ludwig van Beethoven, one of the most celebrated composers of all time, continued to compose extraordinary symphonies even after losing his hearing. His ability to create masterpieces despite his deafness stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of human creativity.

Guitar, Piano and Singing Lessons for Kids and Adults in Maroubra. Music School Near Me

9) Did you know that when we get a song loop stuck in our head, they’re called “earworms”?

Ever found yourself humming a tune repeatedly in your head? These catchy musical loops are called "earworms." Researchers have discovered that certain types of music, simple melodies, and patterns are more likely to get stuck in our minds.

Guitar, Piano and Singing Lessons for Kids and Adults in Maroubra. Music School Near Me

10) Did you know that listening to music can boost your workouts?

Music is an excellent companion for workouts. Studies have shown that listening to upbeat and energetic music during exercise can boost motivation, enhance performance, and even reduce the perception of effort, making your fitness routine more enjoyable.

Guitar, Piano and Singing Lessons for Kids and Adults in Maroubra. Music School Near Me

There you have it! 10 fascinating facts about music.

Music is a treasure trove of fascinating facts, and these snippets of information only scratch the surface of its richness. At Music on Purpose, we celebrate the mamazingagical world of music, and we're committed to nurturing the talents of aspiring musicians.

Whether you're an absolute beginner or an experienced musician, we welcome you to join us on an enchanting musical journey. Let the melody guide you to new heights of artistic expression and personal fulfillment.

Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.


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