How to Choose the Right Guitar when Starting Guitar Lessons for the First Time

How to Choose the Right Guitar when Starting Guitar Lessons for the First Time - piano singing guitar

Choosing the Right Guitar

Selecting the right guitar is a crucial decision that will significantly influence your learning experience and musical journey. Before you rush to the music store, take some time to understand the two primary types of guitars and how they align with your musical aspirations and practical considerations:

How to Choose the Right Guitar when Starting Guitar Lessons for the First Time - piano singing guitar

Acoustic Guitar: The Heartfelt Companion

The acoustic guitar is often hailed as the heartfelt companion of many musicians. Its signature warm and natural sound resonates with the soul and is well-suited for various genres, including folk, country, classical, and singer-songwriter styles. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Sound: Acoustic guitars produce sound entirely through the vibration of their strings against the wooden body. This results in a rich, organic tone that's instantly recognizable and appreciated.

  • Portability: Acoustic guitars are wonderfully portable. Their self-contained design means you don't need an amplifier to be heard, making them a convenient choice for practicing anywhere, whether in your room, at a park, or around a campfire.

  • Strings: Acoustic guitars typically have steel strings, which may require a bit more finger strength for beginners. However, this can help develop finger dexterity and hand strength over time.

  • Budget: Acoustic guitars come in a wide range of prices, making it accessible for beginners with various budgets. You can find excellent entry-level models that offer great sound quality and playability.

How to Choose the Right Guitar when Starting Guitar Lessons for the First Time - piano singing guitar

Electric Guitar: Unleash the Power

The electric guitar is the weapon of choice for those drawn to the electrifying world of rock, blues, jazz, and other electrically amplified genres. Here's what you need to know:

  • Sound: Electric guitars rely on pickups and amplifiers to produce sound. This means they have a more diverse tonal range and can be shaped with various effects and amplification settings. They're known for their versatility and ability to create a wide array of sounds.

  • Amplification: To fully experience the electric guitar's potential, you'll need an amplifier. This adds to the initial investment and can also impact portability, as you'll need to carry both the guitar and the amplifier if you plan to play outside of your home.

  • Strings: Electric guitars often come with lighter-gauge strings, which can be more forgiving on the fingers, especially for beginners. This can make it easier to start playing.

  • Budget: While you can find affordable electric guitars, high-quality electric guitars and amplifiers tend to be on the pricier side. However, they offer tremendous room for exploration and sound customization.

How to Choose the Right Guitar when Starting Guitar Lessons for the First Time - piano singing guitar

Making the Decision

When choosing your first guitar, consider the following factors:

  • Musical Preferences: Think about the genres and styles of music you're most interested in playing.

  • Budget: Determine how much you're willing to invest in your first guitar and any necessary accessories (such as an amplifier for electric guitars).

  • Feel: Visit a music store and physically try out different guitars. Pay attention to how they feel in your hands, as comfort and playability are essential.

  • Seek Advice: Don't hesitate to seek guidance from a knowledgeable music store salesperson or your guitar teacher. They can provide valuable insights and recommend suitable options based on your preferences and budget.


Remember that there's no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to choosing between acoustic and electric guitars. It ultimately boils down to your personal preferences and goals as a guitarist. Whichever path you choose, embrace it with enthusiasm, and let the music guide you on your journey.

Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.

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