What are the Benefits of Learning a Musical Instrument in a Private Lesson Setting?

From guitar, piano, singing, tennis, ballet, soccer, etc. There are so many extra-curricular activities that are readily available for us to enrol either ourselves, or our kids into. So why private music lessons? What’s the big deal?

What are the Benefits of Learning a Musical Instrument? Piano Guitar and Singing Lessons Near Me | Music School in Maroubra

Private music lessons, whether it be piano, guitar or singing — come with a whole heap of advantages.

This goes for everyone - despite age, background or prior experience.

If you’re considering getting your child to start learning music, you might wonder if there is a point of paying for private lessons no top of the school curriculum? Are there really any added benefits from taking private lessons in addition to music class?

And if you’re beyond your schooling years — you may be considering picking up a creative or active hobby. So, why music? What’s the benefit?

Are there any benefits?

Our answer is simple, and plain. Yes. There are incredible benefits to receiving weekly private music lessons outside of a conventional school, or online platform setting. And we’re going to unpack a few of the benefits below.


Here are a few reasons why it’ll be a great investment for you (or your child) to start taking private music lessons.


1) Weekly private music lessons can give students a strong sense of accountability.

For one - students in a private music lesson setting won't be able to slip through the cracks as they might in a large classroom . Having their teacher’s full attention each lesson will require students to take more ownership and responsibility for their practice and progress.

Greater accountability in the private music lesson setting can help students develop traits and grow in characteristics that will set them up for success, such as:

  • Learning the importance of personal discipline

  • Building a strong work ethic

  • Growing in their perseverance

  • Developing resilience

  • Setting and achieving short/long term goals


2) Learning an instrument in a private music lesson means students will receive undivided attention.

The most valuable thing we have to offer is our attention. Just like anything else in life, what we pay attention to tends to grow. This is often the case with students too. When students receive undivided attention, it can instil in them a sense of confidence.

It might feel intimidating at first in the private music lesson setting, but over time, as students can become comfortable with their teacher. Receiving this attention can allow teachers to give feedback and constructive criticism on the spot, which can be challenging to hear sometimes, but incredibly beneficial.

The relationship, feedback and connection that students can receive from their teachers’ undivided attention can propel them to improve in their performance. That is — if they choose to practice during the week and implement the advice that is given to them.


3) Learning to play a musical instrument in a private setting can shape students’ sense of identity in a positive way.

Private lessons can be a pretty special time for students. Some say it’s therapeutic. Others say it’s safe. 1-1 lessons for piano, guitar and singing lessons allows students to meet with their teacher and work together to improve their skills. The sense of collaboration and camaraderie that naturally develops can have a great impact in building students’ confidence and sense of self-esteem.

Having 1-1 time with their teachers means students can communicate the songs they would like to learn. It gives students the opportunity to take ownership of, and direct their own learning. Receiving undivided attention in a piano, guitar or singing lesson means that students can have their progress monitored regularly and receive in-depth feedback in real time.

The accountability and attention that students receive from their teacher can help strengthen and ground their sense of identity.


4) Learning music in a 1-1 lesson can increase students’ sense of motivation

If a student is naturally gifted in the classroom setting, it can be frustrating having to wait for others in the class to catch up. On the other hand, if the pieces/songs students are learning are too difficult, it can be quite daunting and demotivating for students to practice and show up to their music lessons.

Private music lessons enable students to learn concepts, skills, techniques and pieces that match their individual learning pace.

In the 1-1 music lesson setting, teachers are able to give their students the opportunity to voice their preferences, and choose the pace of their learning. This can bring students a great sense of motivation and fulfilment as they realise that they have the autonomy to direct the lesson and voice their learning needs and desires.


5) Learning music in a private setting means students will receive a tailored lesson plan to suit their learning needs and desires.

There are many different ways that we absorb information and learn. A crucial part of quality music teaching involves understanding how each student learns bests, and which learning method / combination of methods enables them to thrive.

Some students are auditory learners, which means that listening to information, or a song can give them a sound foundation to build on. Other students are visual learners. This means they often need to see stimuli, presentations, images and demonstrations to catch onto concepts.

Some students can be kinaesthetic. These students are more hands-on. Rather than meditating on facts, they often thrive when practically applying the concepts they learn - in real life.

A lot of us are a mix of all three of these, perhaps leaning to a couple of them a little stronger than the others. Either way, private guitar, piano and singing lessons ensure that students receive a tailored lesson plan. This can enable students to achieve the greatest amount of success in the least amount of time.

During these classes, teachers can discover how each student learns best and can then apply the appropriate teaching methods ensure that each students’ learning needs are met.


6) Students can find private piano, guitar or singing lessons engaging.

Practice is always “easier” and more enjoyable when students actually “like” the songs they are playing. With the incredible benefits of having a tailored lesson plan, students are given the opportunity to communicate their preferences. This means, they can take autonomy of their learning journey by sharing with their teachers — which songs / repertoires / styles of music they'd like to learn.

When students are given a voice, it not only boosts their self-esteem, but can have a profound impact on their intrinsic motivation. When we enjoy doing something, it is no longer a chore, or something we have to do because “Mum told me to” — but it becomes something we want to do because “I want to.”

Giving students the option to voice their preferences when learning the piano, guitar or singing can increase their engagement during the class and boost their desire to practice and put in the work behind the scenes to work towards a goal they are excited about accomplishing.


7) The Courage to Take Risks

We all need a safe environment to practice taking risks. Sometimes perfectionism can hold us back. Other times, it can be scary to think that we’ll try something and fall flat on our face.

How do we overcome this fear of failure, or not doing something perfect?

We learn to fail forward, in a safe environment.

When students know that they are safe to try and fail, it’s likely that they might feel more comfortable to take a step forward. When students feel they are in a safe environment where they know their music teacher cares for them, they can learn to embrace mistakes and hiccups as a part of the learning process. Because making mistakes just shows that we are trying, and it is not only a normal but essential part of improving.

No matter what age, background or prior experience students have, they all deserve the right to learn in a safe space. Great music teachers are able to create this place for their students, giving them the confidence to try, “fail”, try again, learn, make progress, and understand that their worth doesn't lie in what they do/don't do, but in who they are.


There are so many benefits to learning music via in 1-1 lessons.

Learning music isn’t just about picking up a creative skill, but learning important character building skills like resilience, goal setting, perseverance and deriving a sense of intrinsic motivation. Skills that are applicable in literally every area of our lives - regardless of what age, life stage, or industry we are working in.

Private piano, guitar and singing lessons can become the safe space that students need (children and adults) to grow in their self-esteem, develop their self-efficacy and find a fulfilling hobby and mode of creative expression that yields incredible benefits both mentally and physically.


If you’ve been thinking about learning an instrument, we’d love to connect with you.

Music on Purpose is a music studio is based in Maroubra (2035), Sydney, NSW. We offer piano lessons, guitar lessons and vocal / singing lessons for students of all ages. Adults included! We’ve got incredible piano, singing and guitar teachers who genuinely care for their students and tailor their lessons to meet each of their students’ learning needs and desires.

Click the button if you’re looking for music lessons in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney! We’d love to hear more about you, and how we can best help you.


www.music-onpurpose.com | Music on Purpose | Piano, Guitar & Singing Lessons for All Ages

Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.


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