4 Effective Tips for Learning Singing as an Adult

6 Effective Tips for Learning Singing as an Adult - guitar piano singing

Learning to sing as an adult can be a rewarding and enjoyable journey. While it may seem challenging to start later in life, adults often bring a wealth of life experiences and dedication to their musical pursuits. Here are four effective tips for learning singing as an adult:

Find a Qualified Vocal Coach:

Investing in professional guidance is crucial when learning to sing. A qualified vocal coach can provide personalized feedback, identify your strengths and areas for improvement, and tailor exercises to your specific needs. Look for a coach with experience in teaching adults and a background in the musical genre you're interested in.

At Music On Purpose we have qualified and experienced vocal coaches who can assist you in your journey.

6 Effective Tips for Learning Singing as an Adult - guitar piano singing

Consistent Practice and Patience:

Like any skill, singing improves with consistent practice. Set aside dedicated time for vocal exercises, warm-ups, and repertoire practice. Be patient with yourself – progress may take time, but regular and focused practice will yield results. Use recordings or a singing app to track your improvement and make adjustments.

6 Effective Tips for Learning Singing as an Adult - guitar piano singing

Work on Breathing and Posture:

Proper breathing and posture are foundational elements of singing. Your vocal coach will teach you different breathing techniques to support your voice effectively. Stand or sit up straight, allowing your body to engage fully in the singing process. A strong foundation in breath control and posture will enhance your vocal endurance and overall sound quality.

6 Effective Tips for Learning Singing as an Adult - guitar piano singing

Explore Various Styles and Genres:

While you may have a preferred musical genre, exploring different styles can broaden your vocal range and versatility. Experiment with various songs to discover the unique qualities of your voice. This exploration not only makes learning more enjoyable but also helps you develop a well-rounded vocal skill set.

6 Effective Tips for Learning Singing as an Adult - guitar piano singing

Bonus Tip: Join a Community or Take Performance Opportunities:

Consider joining a choir, vocal group, or community singing class. Singing in a group setting provides additional support, motivation, and a chance to learn from others. Additionally, take advantage of performance opportunities, whether in a casual setting or more formal events. Performing in front of others helps build confidence and stage presence.

Celebrate small victories, be open to feedback, and enjoy the process of discovering and developing your unique voice.


If you’ve been thinking about learning an instrument, we’d love to connect with you.

Music on Purpose is a music studio based in Maroubra and the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, NSW. We offer piano lessons, guitar lessons and vocal / singing lessons for students of all ages. Adults included! We’ve got incredible piano, singing and guitar teachers who genuinely care for their students and tailor their lessons to meet each of their students’ learning needs and desires.

Click below if you’re looking for music lessons in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney! We’d love to hear more about you, and how we can best help you.

Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.


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